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Free sparring using throws and takedowns.
Fari Gatka
An Indian form of fencing centered around shields (fari) and swords (gatka). The gatka is a three foot, leather-covered stick. The fari, nine inches in diameter, is also leather bound. To score points the stick must simply touch the vital points designated on the opponent's body.
Fou Tou Ou
A sword used in kung fu, known as the "hook and crescent" sword.
The battle axe.
Fu Antei
A judo term denoted instability or lack of balance.
Fu Jya
A style of kung fu that employs both hard and soft techniques.
The metal sleeve located at the base of the handle next to the guard of a samurai sword.
Fudo Dachi
Rooted stance
To hold strongly.
Pins and poison darts shot through a blowgun.
A target area in sport karate that includes the diaphragm, abdomen and side chest area.
(Japanese) A traditional japanese Ju Jutsu school founded in the 17th century from Fukuno Masakatsu who was a student of Chen Yuan-Bin.
Slicing kick
Stamping kick
Funakoshi Gichin (1871-1957)
Gichin Funakoshi, founder of Okinawa-Te which was later developed and became the Shotokan Karate style.
Fusen Gachi
A win by default. (Judo)
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